Saturday, July 30, 2011

Let's Play the Blame Game

With Unemployment levels at their highest ever in American History, millions of Americans out of work, yes I am grateful and thankful to have a job. At the same time, those who are currently working are being overworked as corporations steadfastly try to find ways to cut their budgets to increase their bottom lines. We must realize that if the economic and unemployment crisis are not resolved, then it’s only a matter of time before people who are currently working join the growing number of unemployed Americans. As of this very moment in time, I would consider myself in the work status of being working unemployed. Being an at will employee in Illinois means No employment contract. Corporations can fire you at any time with no liability. Pay raises and increases have steadily declined and age discrimination in Corporate America is running rampant. An individual who is over 40, with no college degree, is helpless in today’s job market and that’s even if you have tons of experience. The old cliché…It’s not what you know, but who you know, has never rang truer in today’s work environment. Even more so true today, the saying should be…It’s not what you know or even who you know, it’s who you know and whether or not that person likes you that determine your success. I know, we can complain until we are blue in the face and jump on top of our soap boxes and scream any yell, but is anybody really listening? So, what is the solution…how do we fix the ailments that are sickening our once great nation?

My idea for a partial start to improving things because this problem that America has is over 400 years old, so the fix is not going to be a quick one. Turn off your television sets. Read a book and start thinking for yourself.

Everyone can bitch about what it is that they like or don’t like. I won’t judge you. I have my opinion and you have yours…we can agree to disagree, but at the end of the day we all have to come to a collective common ground if we want to see any positive change in the state of our nation. Government has proven that the two party political democracy systems do not work. America’s judicial system has failed the needs and wants of the people time and time again. True justice is not being served here in America. The OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony trials showed us that on both sides of the spectrum. When are we going to wake up and smell the coffee as they say?

Last night on Twitter, I sent tweets to all of my Republican representatives in congress to ask them to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis. I know it may be something simple and considered insignificant, but it’s a small start towards a better tomorrow. Oh, and at the end of the day after you’re done yelling, screaming, complaining and whining and someone asks you what you have done to make an improvement, make sure that your answer isn’t…Nothing.