Being a longtime and original fan of The Legendary Roots, adding this compilation album from the philly based hip hop group featuring the mega-watt R&B superstar John Legend to my music library was a no-brainer. Don’t get it twisted, this is not an album review. Simply stated, this classic musical masterpiece not only addresses everything and anything that is considered a problem, issue, epidemic or conflict in our society today but it also provides a platform to discuss possible solutions that could lead us to global healing and peace on earth.
Are we living in the last days and times? Is the end of the world as we know it close at hand? 2012? Are you prepared if your time has come?
We are watching the Revelations outlined in the scriptures come to pass right before our very eyes yet most of us blatantly & ignorantly disregard the ever-present signs. Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Droughts and Heat Waves, Nuclear and Chemical Accidents, Major US Epidemics, Airplane crashes, Tornado's and Hurricanes...continue to wreak havoc on the earth but the masses of the people seem to distracted by the assault of fake reality shows, sports & entertainment and 500 cable channels of mind numbing & mind controlling propaganda to be concerned.
While the American population is busy,doing the devils work, trying to figure out who's going to be the next American Idol or who will win Dancing with the Stars or which Hollywood actor/actress will be next to go into rehab or be on Celebrity Rehab or whether our team is going to win the Superbowl, NBA, NHL or MLB Championship, the economic foundation of the country continues to collapse. Republican, Democrat and Tea Party delegates argue and debate over issues while unemployment rises, health care costs increase and housing markets underline the root cause for the worst depression in the nations history. Meanwhile, the main street American blue collar worker is consuming more and drowning in debt. The once proud hard working American worker has become a mirror image of what our country has become...Bankrupt. Once a mighty power in the world of international commerce,America now struggles to save itself from itself from its own unavoidable destiny. Made in America has been off shored to China. Ask Nike....Just Do It.
In the book "Message to the Black man" the Honorable Elijah Muhammad writes, "I compare the fall of America with the fall of ancient Babylon. Her wickedness (sins), is the same as history shows of ancient Babylon." "Babylon is suddenly fallen and the destroyed howl for her; take balm for her pains, if so she may be healed" (Jer. 51:81). What were the sins of ancient Babylon? According to history she was rich; she was proud and her riches increased her corruption. She had every merchandise that the nations wanted or demanded; her ships carried her merchandise to the ports of every nation. She was a drunkard; wine and strong drinks were in her daily practice. She was filled with adultery and murder; she persecuted and killed the people of God. She killed the saints and prophets of Allah (God). Hate and filthiness, gambling, sports of every evil as you practice inAmerica were practiced in Babylon. Only America is modern and much worse. Ancient Babylon was destroyed by her neighboring nations. I warn you to let their destruction serve as a warning for America. This people has gone to the limit in doing evil; as God dealt with ancient people, so will He deal with the modern Babylon (America). As God says: "Son of Man, when the land (people) sinneth against Me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out Mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it" (Ezekiel 14:13).
Is it too late? Has time run out on America? Did we ignore the writings on the wall or fail to pay heed to the warning signs? The fate of America rests in our hands....will we Wake up or just continue to stay asleep?
The world won't get no better, if we just let it be. We gotta change it, just you & me.
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